Holy orders

As the Church has grown and expanded, three orders of ordained ministry have evolved: those of bishops, priests, and deacons. Bishops are the primary pastors of dioceses (geographical regions of parishes) and are charged with upholding the faith and tradition of the Church, as well as being “overseers” over the Church in a particular region. Bishops serve as focal points of unity and stand in a line of apostolic succession, dating back to the apostles. Priests are ordained by bishops to serve on their behalf in order to celebrate the Eucharist, preach the Gospel, bless, and absolve. Deacons are ordained by bishops to be a connective thread between the Church and the world. They proclaim the Gospel, intercede for the sake of the world in the liturgy, assist at the Altar, and help keep the Church true to God’s mission.

In addition to ordained ministry, the Church is upheld by the ministry of all Christians, especially the laity. God’s work in the world is not an exclusive privilege of the ordained; it is the call of every single disciple of Jesus Christ.