About Us

In the setting of a rich liturgical and musical tradition, we seek to know Christ and make him known on the Main Line of Philadelphia and beyond. We are an Episcopal Parish in the progressive Anglo-Catholic tradition and are a part of the Episcopal Diocese of Pennsylvania.

As Christians in the Episcopal Church, we are followers of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, and we believe in one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The Episcopal Church is a part of the wider Anglican Communion of 46 different churches in 165 countries throughout the world, who have their roots in the Church of England.

As Episcopalians, we strive for a generous orthodoxy, one that respects the wisdom of the Church, Christ’s living Body on earth, and that is also open to the Holy Spirit’s inspiration, which constantly reveals new things to us. We believe that God is made known to us in many ways: through the Church’s teaching and tradition, through Scripture, and through our God-given reason. As Episcopalians, we hold dear an ancient maxim: lex orandi, lex credendi (the law of praying is the law of believing). Our common worship shapes our belief in God, and so our liturgical life is rooted in the Book of Common Prayer.

Our common life of worship also has ethical ramifications. We seek to love our neighbors as ourselves and respect the dignity of every person. We believe in amendment of life, the forgiveness of sin, and life everlasting. And we believe that we can faithfully hold a variety of viewpoints under one roof. Although Episcopalians hold a wide variety of views, in the Episcopal Church both men and women, including those who are married, are eligible for ordination as deacons, priests and bishops. We affirm that committed relationships are lifelong and monogamous. Episcopalians also recognize that there is grace after divorce and do not deny the sacraments to those who have been divorced. We affirm that issues such as birth control are matters of personal informed conscience.

If you have questions about Good Shepherd or the Episcopal Church, please contact Father Kyle.