
First Sunday of the month during the program year, 12:15 to 1:15 p.m. after Sung Mass, Retreat House

2024-2025 program year

October 6, 2024: A Theology of Worship with Fr. Kyle Babin

November 3, 2024: A Theology of Giving with Jonathan Adams

December 1, 2024: A Theology of Beauty with Ellen Charry

January 5, 2025: An Introduction to Anglican Music with Robert McCormick

February 2, 2025: Celebrating the Seasons: Exploring the Liturgical Year with Fr. Kyle Babin

March 2, 2025: Life in Community with Bonnie Hoffman-Adams

April 6, 2025: Reflections on Death and Dying with Fr. Kyle

May 4, 2025: Good Shepherd, Rosemont, and Anglo-Catholic Outreach with Barry Levis

June 1, 2025: Praying into Social Action with Donald McCown


Pilgrims in Christ: Tuesdays, 7 to 8:30 p.m. (September through May), Parish House
Pilgrims in Christ is a process of robust spiritual formation that is based on the ancient catechumenate, which prepared candidates for baptism. At Good Shepherd, Pilgrims is more broadly conceived and is intended for those seeking baptism, confirmation, reception into the Episcopal Church, renewal of baptismal vows, or simply a deepening of one’s own relationship with Christ. Pilgrims is both an introduction to the Christian faith and a journey of discipleship in community. Even if you’re not sure that you can commit to the entire nine months, come anyway. Participants will have the opportunity to renew their commitment in stages, no judgment attached. For more information, please contact Father Kyle.

View the Pilgrims in Christ 2024-2025 schedule.