Updated March 20, 2025
liturgical schedule for the coming week
Thursday, March 20 – Thursday in the Second Week in Lent (commemoration: Cuthbert, Bishop, 687)
No Morning Prayer at 9 a.m.
Evening Prayer at 5:30 p.m.
Friday, March 21 – Friday in the Second Week in Lent (commemoration: Thomas Ken, Bishop, 1711)
No Low Mass at 8 a.m.
No Morning Prayer at 9 a.m.
Evening Prayer at 5:30 p.m., followed by Stations of the Cross
Saturday, March 22 – Saturday in the Second Week in Lent (commemoration: James De Koven, Priest, 1879)
Morning Prayer at 9 a.m.
Monday, March 24 – Monday in the Third Week of Lent (commemoration: Óscar Romero, Archbishop and Martyr, 1980, and the Martyrs of El Salvador)
Morning Prayer at 9 a.m.
No Evening Prayer at 5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, March 25 – The Annunciation of Our Lord (Major Holy Day)
Morning Prayer at 9 a.m.
Evening Prayer at 5:30 p.m.
Procession and Sung Mass at 7 p.m.
Wednesday, March 26 – Wednesday in the Third Week of Lent (commemoration: Harriet Monsell, Monastic, 1883)
Morning Prayer at 9 a.m.
Low Mass at 12:05 p.m.
Evening Prayer at 5:30 p.m.
Thursday, March 27 – Thursday in the Third Week of Lent (commemoration: Charles Henry Brent, Bishop, 1929)
Morning Prayer at 9 a.m.
Evening Prayer at 5:30 p.m.
Friday, March 28 – Friday in the Third Week of Lent (commemoration: James Solomon Russell, Priest, 1935)
Low Mass at 8 a.m.
Morning Prayer at 9 a.m.
Evening Prayer at 5:30 p.m., followed by Stations of the Cross
Saturday, March 29 – Saturday in the Third Week of Lent (commemoration: John Keble, Priest and Poet, 1866)
Morning Prayer at 9 a.m.
Rosemont Community Retreat House
Help Needed with Food for Upcoming Retreats
Our retreat house ministry has flourished in its first full year of operation. It has proved to be a vital means of connecting this parish with the wider Church, and it has been a place of prayer and respite for people from across the country. But we need your help in continuing to sustain this valuable ministry! Would you consider making food (or making a financial donation for a meal) for one of our program retreats? If so, please contact Father Kyle. We will provide the recipes and reimburse you for food costs.
You can visit the link to our new online booking engine to view our rooms and availability.
To sustain this new ministry at Good Shepherd, we will need help with a variety of tasks, including keeping our pantries and refrigerators well-stocked, providing meals for Hosts for Hospital guests (which can be prepared and frozen ahead of time), and welcoming guests. This is one way in which we can serve as Christ’s hands and feet to the local community and offer a true ministry of hospitality. Are you interested in helping? If so, please contact Renee Barrick.
Our retreat house ministry is one of hospitality, in which we welcome all guests as Christ himself, in the Benedictine spirit. We’re currently working towards a sustainability plan for this vital outreach ministry. Part of that plan involves recruiting volunteers to help with various tasks. We’re asking for your help! We need volunteers to serve meals for group retreats, welcome guests, take laundry to the cleaners, ensure that rooms are set up properly, and publicize retreat house offerings. We will provide the instructions and training. If you’re interested in helping, please contact parish administrator Renee Barrick.
Children’s Formation
Children’s formation meets on Sunday mornings from 9:30 to 10:15 a.m. on the first floor of the Parish House. We have two classes: children ages 3 through 9 use the Godly Play curriculum, and children ages 10 and older use the Episcopal Weaving God’s Promises curriculum. We love welcoming new children to our classes! Registration is available online.
Lenten Reading Group – Sunday, March 23
Among our goals as the body of Christ is to learn how to listen more carefully to one another and to ensure all voices of our community are heard. This is especially true when exploring and sharing our Christian faith. In the last of a series of three sessions beginning after Sunday Sung Mass, the Lenten Discussion Group, led by Bonnie Hoffman-Adams and Jonathan Adams, will employ an approach adapted from the Touchstones Discussion Project to explore portions of texts from Saint Anselm, Phillis Wheatley, and Saint Benedict. Each session will last no more than one hour, and no prior reading or preparation is required. Come join us!
Contemplative Prayer Group Resumes
The contemplative prayer group will resume meeting on Wednesday, March 26 at 7 p.m. in the Rosemont Community Retreat House (19 Montrose Ave.) Join the group for an hour of quiet reflection and contemplation. Time together will include guided mindfulness practice, centering prayer, and short readings for learning and reflection. Readings will come from a diverse range of sources, from the Desert Fathers and Mothers to Contemporary Zen teachers, from Julian of Norwich to Thomas Merton.
2025 Children’s Arts & Music Summer Camp
Registration is now open for our 2025 Children’s Arts and Music Summer Camp, which begins on Monday, August 11 and lasts through Friday, August 15. All children ages 4 and above are welcome to join us for this fun week full of Bible stories, art and crafts, games, music, and snacks. Children ages 7 and above will receive professional instruction in singing along with an introduction to the highly-respected Anglican choral tradition from Robert McCormick, a renowned expert in training children’s voices. This year, we’re offering an extended care option in the afternoons. Register by April 1 to receive the early bird discount!
The Good Shepherd Choristers
Although our chorister program for children ages 7 and older is going strong, it’s never too late to register to participate! If you know of a child who might be interested in joining, please contact Robert McCormick, and please help us share information on this program with others in the local community.
Serving Those in Need through the Ardmore Food Pantry
The Ardmore Food Pantry is a ministry based at St. Mary’s Church (Episcopal) in Ardmore and is entirely funded by individuals, congregations, and a few grants. The Pantry receives no government funding, which enables the Pantry to serve guests without having to collect sensitive information like address or income. There is a basket at the back of the church where you can drop off non-perishable, unexpired food items only for delivery to the Pantry. Especially welcome at this time are cereal, pasta and sauce, cleaning supplies, and toiletries.
In the Anglican Communion cycle of prayer for Iglesia Anglicana de la Region Central de America (Sunday), The Diocese of Maper – Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan (Monday), The Diocese of Mara – The Anglican Church of Tanzania (Tuesday), The Diocese of Maralal – The Anglican Church of Kenya (Wednesday), The Diocese of Marathwada – The Church of North India (United) (Thursday), The Diocese of Maridi – Province of the Episcopal Church of South Sudan (Friday), and The Diocese of Marsabit – The Anglican Church of Kenya (Saturday).
For Sean, our Presiding Bishop, and Daniel, our bishop.
For peace across the world; for this nation and its elected leaders; for all who live and serve in this local community; for the poor, the homeless, the hungry, the lonely, the oppressed, immigrants, refugees, those in vulnerable communities, those in prison, especially Dwayne and Michael, and all those who are suffering; for an end to injustice of all kinds, especially racial and economic injustice; for an end to gun violence, especially in our local community; for the good creation that God has entrusted to our care, that we may be faithful stewards of it; for this parish church, for all who worship and serve here: for our staff and vestry, for our Advancement, Finance, and Social Concerns Committees, for our campus ministry, for our chorister program, for our retreat house, for those who share space with us on this campus, for all yet unknown to us whom God will draw to this place to come to know and love our Lord Jesus, and for the growth of ministry here for the sake of the Gospel.
For those who will be baptized at the Great Vigil and First Mass of Easter: Hassan Baloochiyan, Abolfazl Baloochiyan, Melika Balouchiyan, and Emma Simpson.
In our parish cycle of prayer: Melinda Burrows (Sunday), Patricia Calvitto & Ash Cook (Monday), Nicholas & Barbara Carper (Tuesday), Ellen Charry (Wednesday), Xenya Currie (Thursday), Paul, Jennifer, Chloe, & Lydia Dee (Friday), and Mike Ewing (Saturday).
In our Friends of Good Shepherd cycle of prayer: Katelyn Whiting (Sunday), John Vasquez (Monday), Emily Sterk (Tuesday), Gray Kidd (Wednesday), Steven and Leslie Whiting (Thursday), Charles Lindsey (Friday), and Chris and Bob Wittrock (Saturday).
For those in need, especially for Angela, Doug, Barry, Gilbert, Charles, Marcille, Carol, Norman, Rebekah, Alex, Frank, Grace, Harold, Lizzie, John, James, Tanya, Colleen, Dennis, Frederick, Doug, Sue, John, Geoffrey, Rebecca, Renee, Nicola, Haviland, Molly, Holly, Stacee, Peter, Leslie, Steve, Gottfried, Carolyn, Brandon, Gary, John, Sue, André, Liliane, Clarice, Nanette, Justice, Jim, Deidre, and Sandra.
To add names and requests to the prayer list, please complete this form.