program retreats

Program retreats at Rosemont Community Retreat House are multi-day retreats intended to provide spiritual formation for those serving the Church, including musicians, clergy, seminarians, and anyone serving in ministry. Each retreat is focused around a particular theme, with presentations offered by notable retreat leaders and instructors. We currently have accommodation for eight residential participants, but we also welcome a limited number of day retreatants. Beginning in the summer of 2024, we will expand our accommodations to include 13 guests.

For more information, please contact the parish office at 610-525-7070. For more information on getting to and from the retreat house, you can learn more here.

upcoming program retreats

October 21 - 24, 2024
Inspiration Is Only the Beginning: A Retreat for Organists in Liturgical Improvisation and Service Playing
Presenter: Robert McCormick
Suggested donation: $400 per person, includes dinner on the first day, all meals on the next two days, and breakfast on the final day. To support scholarships for those in need, we invite anyone who is able to do so to contribute more.

This retreat is designed for organists who wish to become more fluent and confident improvisers, especially in a liturgical context. Many organists don't know how to practice improvisation, and are frustrated in their attempts to build helpful skills. Now offered for the third year, this retreat is designed for organists-improvisers of all abilities and comfort levels. Included in the retreat is time for practice, fellowship with other retreatants, immersion in the liturgical life of Good Shepherd, including three sung Evensongs, along with time to be still and refresh musically and spiritually.

register for “Inspiration is only the beginning.”

This retreat is fully booked for residential participants. Please contact Robert McCormick to inquire about a waitlist.