Because you are reading this weekly message, God has brought you to the Church of the Good Shepherd, for whatever reason. I don’t believe in coincidences, and so I believe that God has connected you with this parish because you have some particular gift or wisdom to share for the sake of God’s kingdom. Some of you who are reading this message may be regular recipients of our weekly email. Some of you may worship at Good Shepherd on Sundays, others on special occasions. A number of you may live far from southeastern Pennsylvania and have been prompted, for whatever reason, to establish a relationship with the Church of the Good Shepherd. I am thankful for that.
Not only do I believe that God has brought each and every one of you to this parish, whether virtual or physical; I also trust that each of you has a particular gift that is needed for the flourishing of Christ’s good news in this small parish. Is there anything that is more countercultural in today’s age than to acknowledge the value of every single person and their unique gifts? We are too often told that we must be geniuses or prodigies in our respective disciplines in order to receive recognition. Bigger is better. Loud voices gain the most attention. Flashiness wins the day. But the Gospel tells us that the world is bereft if one person’s unique gifts go unused.
I wonder what gifts you have that God desires for you to use, in your careers, in your social relationships, in your local community, and certainly in this parish. Setting aside any possible objections, would you consider with me for a minute that even geographical distance is no longer necessarily a barrier to participation in ministry in this parish? The digital world has opened up possibilities for expanded connections and, if we think creatively, for harnessing heretofore unseen power to spread the Gospel to the ends of the earth. How can we claim this power as a gift from God, in the face of the darker side of technology and social media?
Just as I believe you have been brought to Good Shepherd to participate in some particular way in ministry, I also believe that there are many, many others whom God would like to bring here. Many of them, I dare say, don’t even know they have certain gifts. Many have gifts that are shunned outside of the Church. Many could never imagine that their true home might be as part of a community living intentionally as the Body of Christ. Just as I believe that God moves people to find particular communities of faith, I also am convinced that we as representatives of one community of Jesus’s disciples must be actively open and alert to who those people are around us. God longs to use us to help them find their true home in God.
I believe that God yearns for you to use your gifts for his kingdom. It may seem like there are too many demands on your time, but I encourage you to consider that there is some way you can serve the work of the Gospel. In fact, I would be so bold as to say that serving God’s kingdom should surpass any other claims on our time. I would eagerly welcome the opportunity to talk more with you about how to discern ways in which you can serve Christ here. Please contact me.
But beyond your own individual discernment, I also ask you to consider some easy ways in which God might be using you to bring others into Christ’s good news. You are probably aware that there is much worship, as well as programs and activities, happening in this parish. It is not just busyness. I’m convinced that all that is occurring here is a ripe field for harvesting fruit for God’s kingdom. Will you help invite people into this labor? Might I suggest a few easy ways?
Let people know honestly but without pressure why you take time to connect with the Church of the Good Shepherd. Tell others why you value this community of faith. Let people know that, contrary to what some Christians are claiming, the Gospel is the good news of God’s love for all of us. If you live locally, invite someone to any of our upcoming events. Offer to give them a ride and bring them here. If you live far off, share one of our events on Facebook. I don’t think we should ever underestimate the power of personal invitation. And don’t underestimate the desire of some people to be invited or asked to attend a service or event. Some of your friends and acquaintances just might be longing for you to do so.
There are many other ways that every single one of you can be a part of harvesting the abundant fruit of the harvest God has prepared for us. But start small and start in ways that are authentic and honest for you. Each of you has been brought here, physically or virtually, for a reason. Pray that God might help you use your own unique gifts to his glory and honor. And if I can assist your personal discernment in any way, I would welcome the opportunity to do so.
Yours in Christ,
Father Kyle